Sara Atwood
Sara Atwood

Sara Atwood is a freelance writer and editor, and a mom of two. She helps her husband, Ellis Atwood, run RentalShare, a community gear-sharing co-op, out of their home in Orem. Sara and her family are always looking for their next great (kid-friendly) outdoor adventure.

5 Short & Easy Hikes in Utah Valley

With a steady stream of young families passing through our business ( to rent camping and hiking gear, and with two young kids of our own, we’ve learned a lot over the last couple of years about what makes a successful hike with toddlers. Picking the right trail is key. The best…

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How to Embrace Winter Outdoor Adventure with Kids

As a transplant from California, I was excited to see snowflakes my first winter in Utah Valley—but the charm wore off fast. A few years ago, my husband, Ellis, and I made it our quest to embrace winter outside—we went hiking, we went skiing, we even lugged sleds up Slate Canyon and slid back down…

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