Where Is The Best BYU Home Game Parking?

Utah County residents are not strangers to the weekend parking and traffic battles of BYU home football games. Playing parking chicken begins long before the game or pre-game does, as people try to find parking spots around the stadium. Parking can be a nightmare as thousands of families, students…

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Biking in the Winter | 5 Utah Trails

To clean or to bike, that is the question. Life is filled to the brim. The saying, “My cup overfloweth” is an understatement. Getting caught up in all of the to-do lists and packing our lives so full often ends in disappointment. Disappointment that we missed a gorgeous day to get outdoors. Today I…

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Rock Climbing in American Fork Canyon

It was a beautiful summer day and we knew we wanted to get outdoors to soak up some vitamin D. American Fork Canyon was calling our name. We loaded up the climbing gear and we set off on an adventure, anxious to get up on the rock. We could smell Joe’s Cafe from a mile away. I have no idea how it…

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The Surprising Sport of Skate Skiing

There are many ways to enjoy winter here with a variety of things to do in Utah Valley. Some of our favorite family activities are ice skating on Utah Lake, downhill skiing at Sundance Resort, sledding at Rock Canyon Park, and a favorite - skate skiing up Provo Canyon at the Sundance Nordic Center…

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Guided Fly Fishing in Provo Utah

Have you ever envied those anglers you see fly fishing in mountain streams? Standing knee-high in icy cold coursing water while trying to hook some trout? Doesn’t that sound amazing! I’ve fished from the shore using bait and basic fishing gear a handful of times but decided I needed to evolve to the…

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