Traveling between cities can be daunting, especially when navigating public transportation for the first time. This guide aims to simplify your journey from the Salt Lake City Airport (SLC) to Provo, Utah, ensuring a seamless transition from air to land travel. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a frequent traveler, understanding the steps to take public transport will make your trip more enjoyable and stress-free.

Where to buy public transit tickets at SLC?

Upon arrival at SLC, your adventure to Provo begins. First, collect your luggage and head to the ground floor. You'll be looking for the light rail station, which is conveniently signposted. Exit the airport terminal towards Pillar 2A, where you'll find ticket booths ready to serve you.

Purchasing Your Ticket

The ticket purchasing process is user-friendly and straightforward. Here's how to buy your ticket:

  1. Find the airport station's ticket machines.
  2. Select "Frontrunner," "one way," and "full fare" unless you're eligible for a reduced fare.
  3. Choose "North Temple" as your starting station and "Provo Central" as your destination.
  4. Finalize your purchase by selecting your payment method. UTA accepts credit cards, making it convenient for all travelers.

SLC to Provo: An Overview

Your journey to Provo will last approximately one and a half to two hours, involving a transfer from the TRAX Green Line to the Frontrunner. It's a smooth transition that offers you a chance to witness Utah's scenic beauty.

1. Board the TRAX Green Line

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The TRAX Green Line departs from the airport every 15 minutes before 7pm and every 30 minutes after. Ride it for five stops until you reach the North Temple Bridge Guadalupe station, where you'll exit for your transfer.

2. Transfer to the Frontrunner

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At the North Temple station, carefully cross the tracks and either take the escalator or elevator down to the Frontrunner station. The Frontrunner, heading southbound to Provo, departs every 30 minutes, or hourly midday.

3. Download the Transit App

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For the most efficient journey, download the transit app. It's a valuable tool for planning your route, tracking wait times, and handling payments.


4. Ride the Frontrunner

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The ride from North Temple Station to Provo is approximately 70 minutes long. This is your time to relax, enjoy free Wi-Fi, read a book, or simply enjoy the landscape.

5. Arrive in Provo

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Once you arrive at Provo station, you'll find ample opportunities to explore, especially with the UVX free bus line. Remember there's no Frontrunner service on Sundays.

Exploring Provo with Public Transportation

The UVX bus line is your gateway to Provo's attractions, including Downtown Provo and BYU. It's an efficient way to navigate the city without the need for a car.

Tips for Group Travelers

Traveling in a group? Consider the UTA Group Pass for up to 4 people, offering unlimited access to tracks, Frontrunner, and local buses for a day.

Provo is a city rich in culture and attractions. Check out to plan your visit, finding the best hotels, restaurants, and activities to make your stay memorable. Navigating from Salt Lake City Airport to Provo is straightforward with this guide. Public transportation is not only efficient but also an opportunity to experience the beauty of Utah firsthand. Safe travels and enjoy exploring Provo!