Utah Valley, a paradise for bird enthusiasts, offers a rich and diverse birding experience. With its varied elevations, from 4,488 feet at Utah Lake to 11,877 feet at Mt. Nebo, and a range of habitats including wetlands, forests, and alpine areas, the region is home to an astonishing 274 north american bird species. This guide aims to provide birders with essential information on bird species, their statuses, and the best habitats to explore.
Bird Status and Habitats
Before diving into the bird list, it's essential to understand the codes used to describe the status and habitats of the birds in Utah Valley:
What Bird Species Are Common/Rare in Utah Valley?
Each of the bird species listed in the blog below are labeled by the following categories, from permanent or seasonal residents to rare bird species to see in Utah Valley
- P: Permanent resident
- S: Summer resident
- W: Winter visitant
- M: Migrant or transient
- I: Introduced species
- C: Common, seen frequently in habitat
- FC: Fairly Common, small numbers or not always seen
- U: Uncommon, seldom seen but not a surprise
- R: Rare, always a surprise but not out of normal range
- O: Occasional, out of usual range and/or habitat
Typical Bird Habitats in Utah Valley
- 1: Residential
- 2: Agricultural - Rural
- 3: Riparian - Streams
- 4: Lake, Pond, Reservoir
- 5: Wetlands
- 6: Sagebrush
- 7: Foothills
- 8: Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
- 9: Coniferous-Deciduous Forest
- 10: Alpine
Bird Species Checklist
If you would like a printable checklist of all the species found on this blog post, you can download the pdf from utahbirds.org.
Here are all the bird species found in Utah Valley, categorized by their orders and families:
Loons (Gaviiformes)
- Common Loon (R 4): Rare visitor to the lakes and reservoirs.
Grebes (Podicipediformes)
- Pied-billed Grebe (CP 4): Commonly seen in ponds and lakes.
- Horned Grebe (RM 4): Migrant seen in lakes and reservoirs.
- Eared Grebe (CS 4): Common summer resident in the area.
- Western Grebe (CS 4): Common summer resident in lakes.
- Clark's Grebe (CS 4): Common in lakes during summer.
Pelicans (Pelicaniformes)
- American White Pelican (CS 4): Frequently spotted around larger water bodies.
- Double-crested Cormorant (CS 4): Common in lakes and reservoirs.
Herons & Egrets (Ciconiiformes)
- American Bittern (RS 5): Rare in wetlands.
- Great Blue Heron (CP 3,4,5): Common in various aquatic habitats.
- Great Egret (U 5): Uncommon in wetlands.
- Snowy Egret (CS 4,5): Seen in wetlands and marshes.
- Cattle Egret (CS 2,5): Common in agricultural and wetland areas.
- Green Heron (O 5): Occasional in wetlands.
- Black-crowned Night Heron (CS 3,4,5): Common in riparian and wetland areas.
- White-faced Ibis (CS 2,5): Common in wetlands.
Waterfowl (Anseriformes)
- Greater White-fronted Goose (RM 2): Migrant in rural areas.
- Snow Goose (UM 2): Uncommon migrant in rural areas.
- Canada Goose (CP 2,4,5): Permanent resident in rural and wetland areas.
- Wood Duck (UP 3): Uncommon in riparian areas.
- Green-winged Teal (CP 2,4,5): Common in rural and wetland areas.
- Mallard (CP 2,3,4,5): Common across multiple habitats.
- Northern Pintail (CM 2,4,5): Common migrant in rural and wetland areas.
- Blue-winged Teal (FCM 4,5): Fairly common in wetlands.
- Cinnamon Teal (CS 4,5): Common in wetlands.
- Northern Shoveler (FCP 3,4,5): Fairly common in riparian and wetland areas.
- Gadwall (FCP 4,5): Fairly common in wetlands.
- Eurasian Wigeon (OW 4): Occasional winter visitor in lakes.
- American Wigeon (CM 2,4,5): Common in rural and wetland areas.
- Canvasback (UM 4,5): Uncommon migrant in wetlands.
- Redhead (FC 4,5): Fairly common in wetlands.
- Greater Scaup (RM 4): Rare migrant in lakes.
- Oldsquaw (OW 4): Occasional winter visitor in lakes.
- Surf Scoter (RW 4): Rare winter visitor in lakes.
- Common Goldeneye (CW 3,4): Common winter visitor in riparian and lake areas.
- Barrow’s Goldeneye (RW 4): Rare winter visitor in lakes.
- Bufflehead (CW 4): Common winter visitor in lakes.
- Hooded Merganser (UW 4): Uncommon winter visitor in lakes.
- Common Merganser (CW 4): Common winter visitor in lakes.
- Red-breasted Merganser (FCM 4): Fairly common migrant in lakes.
- Ruddy Duck (FCW 4): Fairly common winter visitor in lakes.
Hawks & Eagles (Falconiformes)
- Turkey Vulture (FCS 2,6,7,8,9): Fairly common summer resident across various habitats.
- Osprey (FCM 3,4): Fairly common migrant in riparian and lake areas.
- Bald Eagle (CW 2,3,4,5,6,7,8): Common winter visitor across various habitats.
- Northern Harrier (FCP 2,5,6,7): Fairly common permanent resident in rural and sagebrush areas.
- Sharp-shinned Hawk (FCP 1,2,3,7,9): Fairly common permanent resident in residential and forested areas.
- Cooper's Hawk (FCP 1,2,3,7,9): Fairly common permanent resident in residential and forested areas.
- Northern Goshawk (UP 3,9): Uncommon in riparian and forested areas.
- Red-shouldered Hawk (O 2): Occasional in rural areas.
- Swainson's Hawk (FCS 2,6): Fairly common summer resident in rural and sagebrush areas.
- Red-tailed Hawk (CP 1,2,3,6,7,8,9): Common across various habitats.
- Ferruginous Hawk (FCS 2,6,8): Fairly common summer resident in rural and sagebrush areas.
- Rough-legged Hawk (CW 2,6): Common winter visitor in rural and sagebrush areas.
- Golden Eagle (FCP 2,6,7,8,9): Fairly common permanent resident in foothills and higher elevations.
- American Kestrel (CP 1,2,3,6,7,8): Common across various habitats.
- Merlin (UW 1,2,6): Uncommon winter visitor in residential and rural areas.
- Peregrine Falcon (UP 4,5): Uncommon in lake and wetland areas.
- Prairie Falcon (FCP 2,5): Fairly common permanent resident in rural and wetland areas.
Grouse & Quail (Galliformes)
- Chukar (I) (FCP 6,7): Fairly common permanent resident in sagebrush and foothills.
- Ring-necked Pheasant (I) (CP 2): Common in rural areas.
- Blue Grouse (UP 9): Uncommon in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Ruffed Grouse (UP 7): Uncommon in foothills.
- Wild Turkey (I) (UP 7): Uncommon in foothills.
- California Quail (I) (CP 1): Common in residential areas.
Cranes, Rails & Coots (Gruiformes)
- Virginia Rail (FCP 5): Fairly common in wetlands.
- Sora (FCS 5): Fairly common summer resident in wetlands.
- Common Moorhen (UP 4): Uncommon in lakes.
- American Coot (CP 4,5): Common in lakes and wetlands.
- Sandhill Crane (US 2,5): Uncommon summer resident in rural and wetland areas.
Shorebirds & Gulls (Charadriiformes)
- Black-bellied Plover (UM 4): Uncommon migrant in lakes.
- Lesser Golden Plover (RM 4): Rare migrant in lakes.
- Snowy Plover (US 4): Uncommon summer resident in lakes.
- Semipalmated Plover (UM 4): Uncommon migrant in lakes.
- Killdeer (CP 2,4,5): Common in rural and wetland areas.
- Black-necked Stilt (CS 4,5): Common in wetlands.
- American Avocet (CS 4,5): Common in wetlands.
- Greater Yellowlegs (CM 5): Common migrant in wetlands.
- Lesser Yellowlegs (CM 5): Common migrant in wetlands.
- Solitary Sandpiper (UM 4,5): Uncommon migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Willet (FCS 5): Fairly common summer resident in wetlands.
- Spotted Sandpiper (CS 3,4): Common in riparian and lake areas.
- Whimbrel (RM 4,5): Rare migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Long-billed Curlew (US 2,4): Uncommon summer resident in rural and lake areas.
- Marbled Godwit (UM 2,4): Uncommon migrant in rural and lake areas.
- Sanderling (UM 4): Uncommon migrant in lakes.
- Western Sandpiper (CM 4,5): Common migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Least Sandpiper (CM 4,5): Common migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Baird's Sandpiper (FCM 4,5): Fairly common migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Pectoral Sandpiper (UM 4,5): Uncommon migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Stilt Sandpiper (RM 4): Rare migrant in lakes.
- Short-billed Dowitcher (RM 4,5): Rare migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Long-billed Dowitcher (CM 4,5): Common migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Common Snipe (FCP 2,3,4,5): Fairly common permanent resident in rural, riparian, and wetland areas.
- Wilson's Phalarope (FCS 4,5): Fairly common summer resident in wetlands.
- Red-necked Phalarope (UM 4,5): Uncommon migrant in lakes and wetlands.
- Franklin's Gull (FCM 2,4): Fairly common migrant in rural and lake areas.
- Bonaparte's Gull (UM 4): Uncommon migrant in lakes.
- Mew Gull (RW 2,4): Rare winter visitor in rural and lake areas.
- Ring-billed Gull (CW 1,2,4,5): Common winter visitor in various habitats.
- California Gull (CS 1,2,4,5): Common in rural and lake areas.
- Herring Gull (UW 2,4): Uncommon winter visitor in rural and lake areas.
- Thayer's Gull (RW 2,4): Rare winter visitor in rural and lake areas.
- Glaucous Gull (RW 4): Rare winter visitor in lakes.
- Caspian Tern (FCM 4): Fairly common migrant in lakes.
- Common Tern (UM 4): Uncommon migrant in lakes.
- Forster's Tern (CS 4): Common in lakes during summer.
- Black Tern (UM 4): Uncommon migrant in lakes.
Doves & Pigeons (Columbiformes)
- Rock Dove (CP 1,2): Common in residential and rural areas.
- Band-tailed Pigeon (US 1,9): Uncommon summer resident in residential and forested areas.
- Mourning Dove (CS 1,2,3,7): Common in residential, rural, and riparian areas.
Cuckoo, Roadrunner (Cuculiformes)
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo (RS 3): Rare summer resident in riparian areas.
Owls (Strigiformes)
- Barn Owl (FCP 2): Fairly common permanent resident in rural areas.
- Flammulated Owl (RP 9): Rare in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Western Screech Owl (FCP 1,3): Fairly common permanent resident in residential and riparian areas.
- Great Horned Owl (CP 1,2,3,6,7,9): Common across various habitats.
- Northern Pygmy Owl (UP 1,7,9): Uncommon in residential and forested areas.
- Burrowing Owl (US 6): Uncommon summer resident in sagebrush.
- Long-eared Owl (RP 7,8): Rare in foothills and higher elevations.
- Short-eared Owl (US 2,5,6): Uncommon summer resident in rural and sagebrush areas.
- Northern Saw-whet Owl (UP 4,7,9): Uncommon in lake, foothill, and forested areas.
Goatsuckers (Caprimulgiformes)
- Common Nighthawk (CS 1,2,4,6,7,8): Common in residential, rural, and sagebrush areas.
- Common Poorwill (US 7): Uncommon in foothills.
Swifts & Hummingbirds (Apodiformes)
- Black Swift (US 9): Uncommon in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- White-throated Swift (CS 9): Common in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Black-chinned Hummingbird (CS 1,3,7): Common in residential, riparian, and foothill areas.
- Calliope Hummingbird (RM 1,9): Rare migrant in residential and forested areas.
- Broad-tailed Hummingbird (CS 1,7,8,9,10): Common in residential, foothill, woodland, and alpine areas.
- Rufous Hummingbird (FCM 1,7,9,10): Fairly common migrant in residential, foothill, woodland, and alpine areas.
Kingfishers (Coraciiformes)
- Belted Kingfisher (FCP 3,4): Fairly common permanent resident in riparian and lake areas.
Woodpeckers (Piciformes)
- Lewis' Woodpecker (UP 1,7): Uncommon in residential and foothill areas.
- Red-naped Sapsucker (UP 3,9): Uncommon in riparian and forested areas.
- Williamson’s Sapsucker (UP 9): Uncommon in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Downy Woodpecker (FCP 1,2,3,7,9): Fairly common in residential, rural, riparian, and forested areas.
- Hairy Woodpecker (UP 1,2,7,8,9): Uncommon in residential, rural, and forested areas.
- Northern Flicker (CP 1,2,3,4,7,8,9): Common across various habitats.
Flycatchers (Tyrannidae)
- Olive-sided Flycatcher (US 9): Uncommon in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Western Wood-Pewee (CS 1,3,9): Common in residential, riparian, and forested areas.
- Willow Flycatcher (US 3): Uncommon in riparian areas.
- Hammond's Flycatcher (FCS 9): Fairly common summer resident in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Dusky Flycatcher (FCS 7): Fairly common summer resident in foothills.
- Gray Flycatcher (US 6,8): Uncommon in sagebrush and woodland areas.
- Cordilleran Flycatcher (FCS 3,7): Fairly common summer resident in riparian and foothill areas.
- Say's Phoebe (US 2): Uncommon in rural areas.
- Ash-throated Flycatcher (US 7,8): Uncommon in foothills and woodland areas.
- Western Kingbird (CS 2): Common in rural areas.
- Eastern Kingbird (FCS 3): Fairly common summer resident in riparian areas.
Larks (Alaudidae)
- Horned Lark (CP 2,6): Common in rural and sagebrush areas.
Swallows (Hirundinidae)
- Tree Swallow (CS 2,4,9): Common in rural, lake, and forested areas.
- Violet-green Swallow (CS 4,7,9): Common in lake, foothill, and forested areas.
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow (CS 2,3,4): Common in rural, riparian, and lake areas.
- Bank Swallow (CS 2,3,4,5): Common in rural, riparian, lake, and wetland areas.
- Cliff Swallow (CS 2,3,4,5): Common in rural, riparian, lake, and wetland areas.
- Barn Swallow (CS 1,2,3,4,5,7): Common across various habitats.
Jays and Crows (Corvidae)
- Steller’s Jay (CP 7,9,10): Common in foothill and forested areas.
- Scrub Jay (CP 1,7,8,9): Common in residential, foothill, and woodland areas.
- Pinyon Jay (FCP 8): Fairly common in pinyon-juniper woodland.
- Clark’s Nutcracker (UP 8,9,10): Uncommon in woodland and alpine areas.
- Black-billed Magpie (CP 1,2,3,6,7,8): Common across various habitats.
- American Crow (CW 1,2): Common winter visitor in residential and rural areas.
- Common Raven (CP 2,6,8): Common in rural and sagebrush areas.
Chickadees (Paridae)
- Black-capped Chickadee (CP 1,3,4,7,8,9): Common in residential, riparian, lake, foothill, and forested areas.
- Mountain Chickadee (FCP 8,9,10): Fairly common in woodland and alpine areas.
Bushtit (Remizidae)
- Bushtit (UP 3,7): Uncommon in riparian and foothill areas.
Nuthatches (Sittidae)
- Red-breasted Nuthatch (FCP 8,9): Fairly common in woodland and forested areas.
- White-breasted Nuthatch (UP 8,9): Uncommon in woodland and forested areas.
Creepers (Certhiidae)
- Brown Creeper (UP 9): Uncommon in coniferous-deciduous forests.
Wrens (Troglodytidae)
- Rock Wren (FCP 6,7): Fairly common in sagebrush and foothill areas.
- Canyon Wren (UP 7): Uncommon in foothills (Canyons).
- Bewick’s Wren (UP 3,4,8): Uncommon in riparian, lake, and woodland areas.
- House Wren (FCS 9): Fairly common summer resident in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Winter Wren (RW 3): Rare winter visitor in riparian areas.
- Marsh Wren (CP 4,5): Common in lakes and wetlands.
Dipper (Cinclidae)
- American Dipper (FCP 3): Fairly common permanent resident in riparian areas.
Kinglets and Thrushes (Muscicapidae)
- Golden-crowned Kinglet (UP 7,9): Uncommon in foothill and forested areas.
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet (CP 1,3,7,9): Common in residential, riparian, foothill, and forested areas.
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (FCS 7): Fairly common summer resident in foothills.
- Mountain Bluebird (FCP 2,6,8,9,10): Fairly common in rural, sagebrush, woodland, and alpine areas.
- Townsend’s Solitaire (FCP 7,8,9): Fairly common in foothill, woodland, and forested areas.
- Swainson’s Thrush (FCS 3,9): Fairly common summer resident in riparian and forested areas.
- Hermit Thrush (CS 9): Common in coniferous-deciduous forests.
Thrashers (Mimidae)
- Gray Catbird (US 3): Uncommon in riparian areas.
- Northern Mockingbird (U 2,8): Uncommon in rural and woodland areas.
- Sage Thrasher (FCS 6): Fairly common summer resident in sagebrush.
Pipit (Motacillidae)
- American Pipit (FCW 2,4): Fairly common winter visitor in rural and lake areas.
Waxwings (Bombycillidae)
- Bohemian Waxwing (FCW 1): Fairly common winter visitor in residential areas.
- Cedar Waxwing (FCP 1,3,7): Fairly common in residential, riparian, and foothill areas.
Shrikes (Laniidae)
- Northern Shrike (UW 2,6,8): Uncommon winter visitor in rural and sagebrush areas.
- Loggerhead Shrike (FCP 2,6): Fairly common permanent resident in rural and sagebrush areas.
Starling (Sturnidae)
- European Starling (I) (CP 1,2,3,4,5,6,7): Common across various habitats.
Vireos (Vireonidae)
- Gray Vireo (US 8): Uncommon in pinyon-juniper woodland.
- Solitary Vireo (FCS 3,7,8): Fairly common summer resident in riparian, foothill, and woodland areas.
- Warbling Vireo (CS 7,9): Common in foothill and forested areas.
Warblers, Sparrows, Tanagers, Blackbirds and Orioles (Emberizidae)
- Orange-crowned Warbler (CS 1,7,9): Common in residential, foothill, and forested areas.
- Virginia’s Warbler (FCS 7,8): Fairly common summer resident in foothill and woodland areas.
- Yellow Warbler (CS 3): Common in riparian areas.
- Yellow-rumped Warbler (CS 1,3,4,7,9): Common across various habitats.
- Black-throated Gray Warbler (US 8): Uncommon in pinyon-juniper woodland.
- Townsend’s Warbler (UM 9): Uncommon migrant in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Northern Waterthrush (RM 3): Rare migrant in riparian areas.
- MacGillivray’s Warbler (CS 3,7,9): Common in riparian, foothill, and forested areas.
- Common Yellowthroat (FCS 3): Fairly common summer resident in riparian areas.
- Wilson’s Warbler (FCM 3): Fairly common migrant in riparian areas.
- Yellow-breasted Chat (FCS 3): Fairly common summer resident in riparian areas.
- Western Tanager (CS 1,7,9): Common in residential, foothill, and forested areas.
- Black-headed Grosbeak (CS 1,3,7,9): Common in residential, riparian, foothill, and forested areas.
- Blue Grosbeak (US 4): Uncommon in lake areas.
- Lazuli Bunting (CS 1,7): Common in residential and foothill areas.
- Indigo Bunting (OS 4,3): Occasional in lake and riparian areas.
- Green-tailed Towhee (FCS 7): Fairly common summer resident in foothills.
- Spotted Towhee (CP 1,7): Common in residential and foothill areas.
- American Tree Sparrow (UW 4): Uncommon winter visitor in lake areas.
- Chipping Sparrow (CS 7,8,9): Common in foothill and forested areas.
- Brewer’s Sparrow (CS 6): Common in sagebrush.
- Vesper Sparrow (CS 6): Common in sagebrush.
- Lark Sparrow (CS 2,6): Common in rural and sagebrush areas.
- Black-throated Sparrow (US 6): Uncommon in sagebrush.
- Sage Sparrow (UM 4,6): Uncommon migrant in lake and sagebrush areas.
- Lark Bunting (UM 2,4): Uncommon migrant in rural and lake areas.
- Grasshopper Sparrow (RM 1,6): Rare migrant in residential and sagebrush areas.
- Fox Sparrow (FCS 3): Fairly common summer resident in riparian areas.
- Song Sparrow (CP 3,4): Common in riparian and lake areas.
- Lincoln’s Sparrow (UP 3,9): Uncommon in riparian and forested areas.
- Swamp Sparrow (RW 4,5): Rare winter visitor in lake and wetland areas.
- White-throated Sparrow (RW 3): Rare winter visitor in riparian areas.
- Golden-crowned Sparrow (RW 1): Rare winter visitor in residential areas.
- White-crowned Sparrow (CP 1,2,3,4,6,9): Common across various habitats.
- Dark-eyed Junco (CP 1,2,3,7,9): Common across various habitats.
- Bobolink (US 2): Uncommon summer resident in rural areas.
- Red-winged Blackbird (CP 2,4,5): Common in rural and wetland areas.
- Western Meadowlark (CP 2,6): Common in rural and sagebrush areas.
- Yellow-headed Blackbird (CS 2,4,5): Common in rural and wetland areas.
- Brewer’s Blackbird (CP 2): Common in rural areas.
- Common Grackle (U 4): Uncommon in lake areas.
- Brown-headed Cowbird (CS 1,2,3,7,8,9): Common across various habitats.
- Bullock’s Oriole (CS 1,2,3): Common in residential, rural, and riparian areas.
Finches (Fringillidae)
- Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (UP 1,7): Uncommon in residential and foothill areas.
- Black Rosy-Finch (UP 1,7): Uncommon in residential and foothill areas.
- Cassin’s Finch (FC 1,9): Fairly common in residential and forested areas.
- House Finch (CP 1,2,3,4,7,8): Common across various habitats.
- Red Crossbill (UP 9): Uncommon in coniferous-deciduous forests.
- Pine Siskin (CP 1,9): Common in residential and forested areas.
- Lesser Goldfinch (UP 1): Uncommon in residential areas.
- American Goldfinch (CP 1,3,7): Common in residential, riparian, and foothill areas.
- Evening Grosbeak (FCW 1,2,3): Fairly common winter visitor in residential, rural, and riparian areas.
Weaver Finches (Passeridae)
- House Sparrow (I) (CP 1,2): Common in residential and rural areas.
Occasionals that have been seen in the past
- Least Bittern
- Tundra Swan
- Trumpeter Swan
- Mountain Plover
- Red Knot
- Least Flycatcher
- Cassin’s Kingbird
- Anna’s Hummingbird
- Black Phoebe
- Eastern Phoebe
- Varied Thrush
- Tennessee Warbler
- Scarlet Tanager
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Black and White Warbler
- Common Redpoll
Birding in Utah Valley offers an unparalleled opportunity to experience a vast array of bird species across diverse habitats. With this guide, you are equipped with the knowledge to explore and enjoy the avian wonders of the region. Happy birding!