Wildlife in Utah Valley

Utah Valley's diverse landscape, from the rugged Wasatch Mountains to the serene wetlands of Utah Lake, is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Here, you can witness majestic mountain goats scaling the cliffs of Mount Timpanogos, encounter moose in the wooded areas of Provo Canyon, or spot a bald eagle soaring over the Jordan River.

To help protect these incredible creatures and their habitats, remember to keep a respectful distance, avoid disturbing their natural behaviors, and always follow local wildlife guidelines. Respecting our wildlife ensures that future generations can enjoy the same awe-inspiring encounters.

Where to See Wildlife

Utah Valley birds consist of Black-necked Stilt, Northern Pygmy Owl, Cassin's Finch, Lewis' Woodpecker, Flammulated Owl and many more! A few of the rare bird sightings included the White Ibis, American Black Duck and Anna’s Hummingbird. Don't miss the incredible Snow Goose migration, which usually takes place in late February through early March in the Utah Valley.

For great birdwatching areas we recommend Bicentennial Park, the Botany Pond on BYU Campus, Lincoln Beach, Salem Pond and the canyons in Utah Valley. For more information about Utah Valley birds, contact the Utah County Birders at (801) 373-2487 or visit them on the web at www.utahbirds.org.